Brooding Gel


On the very first day, upon arrival, Brooding Gel is used, Brooding Gel is the perfect solution to get your poultry off to that all important great start. For the baby poultry to grow and live efficiently they must readily start to eat and drink. Brooding Gel provides immediate nutrition and hydration for all baby poultry in a very concentrated and digestible form. It will improved livability and mature body weights substantially the saving you bird loss and money in the long run.

Brooding gel Provides:

  • Water
  • Electrolytes
  • Protein and Amino Acids
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins
  • Fatty Acid


Upon consumtion Brooding Gel, the day-old chick will get water (Hydration), Proteins and Amino Acids (the Building blocks of most body tissues), Carbohydrates and fats (Energy), Vitamins (Gets the digestive and immune system started), Electrolytes (Balance the electrolytes). This is a complete supplement for getting them off to a great start.


  • Helps prevent dehydration
  • Helps overcome service stress
  • Provides valuable nutrient source
  • Encourages early feed intake
  • Stimulates development of digestive system
  • Offers excellent start to life
  • Superior lifetime performance
  • Outstanding Return of Investment

Dosages & Administration:

500 gm oral Brooding Gel for 1000 chicks


500 gm container
